Of course, you’ll need persistence. Every blog has a unproductive period firstly, so don’t get discouraged. It will take time for your blog to build and for individuals in finding you. There are a number of ways that you would be able to turn your recipes and cooking blog into a money making enterprise. You can choose just one of those options or do a mixture of them. Here are some ideas…Make Money by Selling Products: Some people benefit from the retail aspect of their business. McGregor 1957 separated management styles into two types, Theory X and Theory Y and William Ouchi recommends a Japanese control style called Theory Z in 1981 which is a mix of the American and Japanese control styles as illustrates in Figure 2 below Barney 2004. The role of managers is to provide a transparent goals and goals, coping with individuals and employing the methods and techniques Mullins 2013. Based on the assumptions of the 3 theories stated above, I agree with that there’s no best follow when come to coping with individuals in an organization. As different individuals search for various needs and wants, managers are required to take note the behaviors of the team so one can impose a suitable control styles. By using the proper method to address personnel, it can motivates people, keep the team on the right track and in a position to ensure them to get the job done successfully and efficiently. As for management, there are various sorts of approaches that leaders can adopt in line with suitability and sustainability when most appropriate a team or an organization.
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